Tuesday, February 10, 2009

15 Things About Me

Well, I don't have much to say today but I thought I would list a few things about me. I guess you are supposed to do that. ☺

1. I am totally in love with Jesus.

2. I am totally in love with my best friend Kev.

3. If you didn't know 1 and 2 I am falling down on the job. ☺

4. I have the 6 best kids in all the world.

Ok, here come the quirky things.

5. I can't breathe through my nose only or I feel like I am suffocating.

6. I have no rhythm, anyone can attest to that. ☺

7. My family loves my fried chicken. I must admit that it is pretty good! ☺

8. I love to laugh!!! Ha, ha, ha!
9. Paige is helping me with this. My kids won't let me email or blog without their editing.
10. I am anal over my house, being clean...especially floors.

11. I can't walk around with dirty feet, but I love to be barefoot, so in summer I clean my feet like 10,000,000 times a day.

12. I can never finish a book.

13. I am a half port. (that's half portugese for those of you who didn't know)

14. I must be close to perfect because I can't even come up with 15 quirky things. Ha, ha, ha!
Just kidding if you want to know more ask Kev, my girls or my sisters.
Oh, Oh, Oh, I thought of 2 more. Ha!
15. I love to sing and dance, but I am not very good.
16. Everyone has a bad picture of me...my eyes are always closed or I am talking.
That's all for now.


mrnmrskee said...

ok, so I can't count either and after I published the post I found another quirky thing. The fact that the spacing isn't even drives me crazy!!!

Annie said...

Never finish a book! Who would have thought? LOL!

Sh Family said...

Your also one of the greatest friends that anyone could ever be blessed with! Truly a gift from the Lord! Love you my friend!

8 Quarts said...

8 quarts said...
I'm a bit surprised by a couple of your quirks. Children do grow up and not only delight you, but occasionally throw a few surprises in for a good laugh or two. Perfection is God's alone, so we go crazy over silly things like spacing & DIRTY FEET? Hardy har har!!
Lots of Love to your house from mine!