Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Princesses

new car

Well, Kevin went back to work today and decided to drive the Toyota....good choice because it is good on gas mileage, but it ended up over heating. Arrgh! Kevin wasn't thinking about being in commuter traffic with the air on. It is 7:15 now and he still isn't home because he is being towed home by a friend. Thank You! We prayed over this purchase so I am hoping this is an easy fix and that it won't be to much money. Hopefully our gas saver doesn't wind up to be a dud. :)

....The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.
Job 1:21b

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Well it has been a long day...........Ladies Study, Choir, Bible Study for the girls and all of the in between things and then my hubby gets a call to come to work. Things have been slow so he has been home this past week and a half, but tonight he is in San Jose working until well, I don't know when. I just got off the phone with him and it's 11ish....he said he should be finished by about 5am. Oh, my.....he is definitely gonna sleep tomorrow. He is totally my hero! I could not deal with all the noise, heat, small spaces and everything else he does and he does it so well. What a guy! Yeah so I don't have much else but to all of my married friends give your best guy a hug and tell him how thankful you are to him. You'll make him smile inside! Oh and if you haven't read Sacred Influence or The Divine Dance....definitely put them on your gotta read list. They are full of good stuff.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

What I'm Reading

I thought it would be fun to share what I am reading and find out what you are reading. I am currently reading Sacred Influence by Gary Thomas, The Divine Dance by Shannon Kubiak Primicerio, Ruby Rest by Tyler Oaks and 1st Samuel. Why am I reading so many books at once you may ask? Well, I come by it naturally....just ask my girls. Hopefully I can finish all of them. It is a long standing joke in our house that I start so many books and never seem to finsh any of them. All of them are so good, and I am learning so much about myself and my walk with the Lord. I have a lot of growing to do. I would love to hear what you are reading.