Thursday, March 12, 2009

Little Fish

This is the same day...

Ainsley was napping and Laine was reading so Fish and I got to play. ♥♥♥ that boy!

My Day With the Little Ones

my flower
Ainsley working on her flower.

Ains with the finished product.

Laine adding in the details.

Laine with her finished product...(note: it's for me).

Monday my sweet hubby, my 3 big girls and the Ney family went to Dodge for a snowboarding trip. I then had the privilage of staying home with my 3 little ones...just us! We played outside and read stories and even made a craft together. I think I actually had some alone time with each of them as well. :) That is the first time in a long time that I felt like a fun mamma. :) Sometimes my little ones can get shuffled around in the day to day with the bigger girls activities. I just wanted to share that I was soooo blessed by those little lives Monday and I just wanted to share some pictures with you.