Monday, January 9, 2012


So,today I started out my day with my usual plan...a list that consisted of way to many things for any one person to accomplish and me on a mission to accomplish them...but...then I remembered something I read in part of my quiet time yesterday. To let interuptions (things that get into your way/path and change your day) be blessings. So I set out with the attitude of "I will start on this thing and move on barring no interuptions...etc and if something comes up...I'll just roll with it." So, what do ya know, I get part way through my first project and I get a text asking if I can come sit with my Father-in-love. Of course I say yes. =) And so goes my day...I finish said project...I had enough time and then...Then...I get to spend the next few hours talking with and hanging out with one of the most precious men in my life! I love my Father-in-love!! He is just amazing! And then you know what else...after I get home and had made dinner, I was cleaning up and writing out my tomorrows list. =) I see todays date. And I own sweet daddy passed away 9 years ago today. =( But, all I can do is praise God for blessing me today. I got to spend time with my dad after all. =) Thank you Lord for being so thoughtful!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Savoring Each Moment

"To experience happiness we must train ourselves to live in this moment, to savor it for what it is, not running ahead in anticipation of some future date nor lagging behind in the paralysis of the past. With wholeness and sensitivity we must live in the here and now. "But what if I don't like the here and now?" you ask. "What if my present moment is one of disappointment or impairment or heartache? How then do I savor that moment?" Good questions. And the answers reside in the first and most profound principle for the art of savoring life: Pleasure lies in the heart, not in the happpenstance. Our circimstances may be dreadful and riddled with reasons for discouragement or sorrow, but that doesn't mean those moments are utterly devoid of happiness...Those special savored moments of fun, reflecton, happiness, and pleasure give us a tiny taste of what eternity with Christ will one day be like."
Luci Swindoll
You Bring the Confetti

"Oh taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the man who trusts in Him!
Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints!
There is no want to those who fear Him.
The young lions lack and suffer hunger;
but those who seek the Lord shall not
lack any good thing."
Psalm 34:8-10

Friday, December 30, 2011


Well, It has been over 2 years since I have last updated my blog. Wow! Where has the time gone?! I don't even have all my kiddos pictures on here. Finn is missing. =( I think I must remedy that. I was thinking today that I'd like to spend a little time each week to give an update or just write about something that has been on my heart or whatever. Today, I'm just spending some time updating a couple pictures...etc. Let's see how much I can actually remember how to do. Haha! Hope you'll follow me and keep in touch for 2012. :-)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

April, May Kee Update

Us with our French girls in April. Coralie and Audrey
stayed with us for 10 days.
My girls favorite pasttime.

Kev's great catch!!

Caitie dressed up for the 20's formal.

Sam, Sarah, Paige, Libby and Bailey at
Bridal Veil Fall in Yosemite.
The Beckers (cousins from Missouri) and
Bear in Yosemite.
Dad and Fish

Family pic in Monterey

Sand City Beach

After Kev's knee surgery

Caitie and Paige went to see Barlow Girl on

Memorial Day

Fish at Dave and Laurie's on
Memorial Day

We got to pick about 20lbs of cherries
so I decided to try and make jam and jelly.

I ended up with 5 quarts frozen cherries and

2 batches of jam and 2 batches of jelly. It is very good. I think I will try my hand at apricots when they are ready. :-)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Little Fish

This is the same day...

Ainsley was napping and Laine was reading so Fish and I got to play. ♥♥♥ that boy!

My Day With the Little Ones

my flower
Ainsley working on her flower.

Ains with the finished product.

Laine adding in the details.

Laine with her finished product...(note: it's for me).

Monday my sweet hubby, my 3 big girls and the Ney family went to Dodge for a snowboarding trip. I then had the privilage of staying home with my 3 little ones...just us! We played outside and read stories and even made a craft together. I think I actually had some alone time with each of them as well. :) That is the first time in a long time that I felt like a fun mamma. :) Sometimes my little ones can get shuffled around in the day to day with the bigger girls activities. I just wanted to share that I was soooo blessed by those little lives Monday and I just wanted to share some pictures with you.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

15 Things About Me

Well, I don't have much to say today but I thought I would list a few things about me. I guess you are supposed to do that. ☺

1. I am totally in love with Jesus.

2. I am totally in love with my best friend Kev.

3. If you didn't know 1 and 2 I am falling down on the job. ☺

4. I have the 6 best kids in all the world.

Ok, here come the quirky things.

5. I can't breathe through my nose only or I feel like I am suffocating.

6. I have no rhythm, anyone can attest to that. ☺

7. My family loves my fried chicken. I must admit that it is pretty good! ☺

8. I love to laugh!!! Ha, ha, ha!
9. Paige is helping me with this. My kids won't let me email or blog without their editing.
10. I am anal over my house, being clean...especially floors.

11. I can't walk around with dirty feet, but I love to be barefoot, so in summer I clean my feet like 10,000,000 times a day.

12. I can never finish a book.

13. I am a half port. (that's half portugese for those of you who didn't know)

14. I must be close to perfect because I can't even come up with 15 quirky things. Ha, ha, ha!
Just kidding if you want to know more ask Kev, my girls or my sisters.
Oh, Oh, Oh, I thought of 2 more. Ha!
15. I love to sing and dance, but I am not very good.
16. Everyone has a bad picture of eyes are always closed or I am talking.
That's all for now.